Document Preparation

document preparation

Elite Research's editors know that many moving pieces are involved in preparing documents for any industry, from the hospitals and medical entities, to corporate and industry specific, and non-profit organizations. We offer services for many different types of documents, including reports, white paper documents, and grants. Additionally, our services for each type of document can vary according to your needs: Microsoft Word support, editing, formatting, and guideline requirements.

Document Type

Academic Documents

Academic institutions require a number of different guidelines to be applied to document submissions, including tone, formatting, fact checking, readability, and presentation. Students and faculty of every expertise are involved in projects, such as essays, case studies, dissertations, prospectuses, reports, theses, and more. Our editors can help both faculty and students create excellent academic documents.

Journal Manuscripts

Document preparation is crucial for journal manuscripts. Each discipline follows a style guide, and each journal has its own strict submission guidelines. Journal reviewers are detail oriented, and manuscripts need to be similarly formatted. Our editors provide detailed reviews, edits, and support for journal manuscripts from inception to submission.


Grants are very specific types of documents that require detail-oriented reviewers and editors. Elite's editors can provide document flow, tone, audience, formatting requirements, and more for your grant. If you are working on a grant or preparing to work on one, call Elite, and we will be happy to partner with you through the process.

Technical Reports

Many industries require technical reports of all shapes and sizes, and our editors have seen them all. Whether you have requirements to apply or do not have specific guidelines, we can make sure all your needs are met within your project. Let us know how we can provide services in reviewing, editing, proofreading, or any other kind of technical support.

Medical Documents

Our technical writers have expert skills in updating language from technical jargon to layman's terms and vice versa. We know that audience is important to remember in all documents, including medical reports, publications, transcriptions, and more. Contact us today to find out how we can aid you in your quest for better medical/health documents.

Business Documents

For any size business, we make sure that all your documents have the correct tone, format, style, and expertise. These documents can include advertisements, brochures, business letters, marketing plans, presentations, press releases, product manuals, websites, white papers, and more. Let us know how we can serve you best in all your business endeavours.

Service Type

Microsoft Word Support

Our editors have advanced experience in many different Microsoft Word functions, including applying and formatting heading styles, adjusting document orientation, and formatting large documents. Contact us if you have any questions about how we can help you navigate Microsoft Word functions.

Content Review

Content review is one of the major editing services we provide; there are two separate kinds of content review that you can request. The first is the statistical content review, in which a statistician can provide a thorough review of the project design, methodology, and statistical/analysis plan. The second kind is the editorial content review, in which our editors read documents to make suggestions about elaborating, explaining, changing, reordering, or reducing content. Both statisticians and editors ensure that only necessary and valuable information that qualifies as intellectual, academic content is included in the final document.

In-Text Citation Checks

An interesting service we provide for documents with reference lists and in-text citations is an in-text citation check. To conduct this service, we confirm that all sources that are cited in the text are listed in the reference section and that all in-text citations are formatted correctly. If you need assistance with citation checks, give us a call.

In-Text Citation Formatting

We also provide in-text formatting for documents with in-text citations. For this service, our editors confirm correct formatting by correcting spellings of authors’ names, formatting punctuation in narrative and parenthetical citations, reviewing use of et al. throughout the document, alphabetizing parenthetical citation lists, and checking usage of and or & in narrative and parenthetical citations.

Reference Formatting

Our editors ensure that your references are formatted in the reference list according to style guidelines by updating DOIs and URLs, updating source information wherever necessary, and checking that all spelling and punctuation is correct. If you are struggling with formatting your reference list according to style guides, our editors will aid you through the process.

In-Depth Line-by-Line Edit

For this service, editors read text line by line for specific, complex issues related to grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Editors look for various editing issues, including, but not limited to, acronym consistency, tense, passive voice, anthropomorphism, subject/verb agreement, single/double quotation marks, brackets, proper use of periods, back-to-back parentheses, etc. Let us know if the specialized editing service of in-depth line-by-line will meet your needs for your document.

Basic Copy Edit

In this level of editing, editors provide a basic overview of text for glaring errors in tense, first/third person, subject/verb agreement, and clarity issues, consistencies in spelling, proper use of periods, ellipses, commas, colons/semicolons, etc. This would be a great choice if you've already been through the document (or had others run through your document) a few times and would just like a fresh pair of eyes on it.


During proofreading, which should be the last step completed in a document, editors compare a final document version (or proof) to a working version to correct unintentional minor errors created during editing or printing before final printing and binding occur. If you are worried about small formatting or printing issues before binding or submitting, let us know.

Document Formatting

Our editors have experience working with university and style guidelines from around the globe. In this editing phase, editors determine the level of formatting needed for your project (i.e., in-depth formatting, basic formatting, or minimal formatting). Formatting tasks include, but are not limited to preliminary pages, font, heading styles, margins, page numbers, spacing, tables, figures, references, etc., based on university and style guidelines (APA, AMA, MLA, Chicago, etc.).


Indexing and creating glossaries is an important part of textbooks, manuals, books, publications, and other technical documents. In our indexing services, the editors ensure that all intellectual content from the text is included in any glossaries or indexes for your project. We thrive on organizing information and utilize a systematic process to identify the important concepts for the index. Ask about our indexing services.


If your business or personal project requires transcriptions, our editors also provide this service. Our highly customized packages allow us to give you the choice of which type of transcription--verbatim or a general synopsis of topics--your project requires. Contact us for more information about our transcription services.

Table Creation

Tables and charts are helpful visual aids in many projects and provide a visual break from large text pieces. Elite's editors can ensure style guidelines or consistency are applied to tables and figures. Let us know how we can best serve you and your table-making needs.

Data Visualization

Data visualization is an important part of business and industry documents because they can reach audiences easier than text can. Elite's editors make PowerPoint presentations, tables, figures, and other graphics to assist clients who want to be remembered by their readers. Contact us about helping you with visualization pieces.

Guideline Requirements

To be accepted for publications and grants, submissions must have great organization, formatting, and flow, and they MUST follow every guideline. Our editors study the guidelines provided and ensure that manuscripts and grant proposals follow them. If you are struggling with guidelines or have been stalling to submit, give us a call, and we'll work through them for you.

Style Guide Services

Similar to interpreting guidelines for manuscripts and grants, style guides can also add headache to a project. Our editors are proficient in APA, AMA, Chicago, Turabian, MLA, and Bluebook. Let us know how we can assist you in handling style guide requirements.

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