Consulting for Academia

Saturday August 25, 2012

Elite Research explains the importance of statistical consultants for faculty researchers. Elite Research is a global provider of research design and statistical consulting. Elite Research supports academic, corporate, medical/health, and non-profit researchers in designing, collecting, analysing, and reporting accurate results.

Most universities require that faculty members publish in peer-reviewed journals to get tenure-track positions. In addition to publishing, faculty members may also benefit from obtaining grant funding, specifically external grant funding. Though faculty members are required to execute research projects and obtain grant funding, many faculty members have completed their own research as a part of their dissertations or other projects that they may have worked on postgraduation. Over the years, however, some faculty members’ research and statistical skills might have gotten a bit rusty.

Faculty members who feel their research and statistical skills are can have statistical consultants work with them on publication projects to ensure that they use the appropriate methodology statistical analyses. Faculty members are experts about the subject matter of the project itself, but statistical consultants are experts at statistics and research design. Together, faculty members and consultants can work together to ensure that research projects are conducted in a way that theoretically and conceptually makes sense with the subject matter (i.e., faculty members’ expertise) and with the underlying assumptions, principles, and logistics of statistic (i.e., consultants’ expertise).

Many universities have statistical consultants on staff to work with faculty members. However, faculty members can find private consultants who are available for hire if their universities do not have research support. It is best that faculty members start working with consultants at the start of projects, before they even submit proposals so that consultants can make sure that there are not any major concerns with the projects prior to starting of the projects. Working with consultant prior to the proposal stage is also good because most consultants have a lot of experience writing grant proposals and may have some helpful suggestions to strengthen the proposal. Another advantage of working with consultants prior to the proposal stage is that faculty can write the cost of statistical support into the grant so that there will be no direct cost to faculty members for consultants’ services.

Contact Elite Research today to get reliable help with all of your statistical, research, and editorial needs! or (800) 806-5661.

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