Answers to Common Questions about Online Data Collection

Wednesday September 12, 2012

Elite Research answers common questions about online data collection. Elite Research is a global provider of research design and statistical consulting. They support academic, corporate, medical/health, and non-profit researchers in designing, collecting, analysing, and reporting accurate results.

An online survey can be an effective way to collect data for research. Below are step by step instructions to creating a successful survey.

1. Review the basic goals of the study you are conducting. Evaluate what you plan to do with the data collected from the survey and what questions you are looking to answer.

2. List all of the relevant information you would like to include. What information do you need and how will the output be portrayed?

3. Are you asking the right questions? It is important that each question written is clear and concise. The participant should be able to easily identify what you are looking for.

4. Each question is different and should be asked in the most appropriate way. Decide which question type (multiple choice, open ended, ect.) is most appropriate. Incorporate page breaks throughout the survey for a visual (and mental) break for the participant.

5. Write the questions. Write multiple versions of the same question and then pick the best one for the survey.

6. Have colleagues review the survey.

7. Time it. Lengthy surveys have a higher “drop-out” rate. Keep it brief to ensure success.

8. Test the survey in a small group and ask for feedback on understanding, length, and any questions they may have had.

9. Revise the survey with the acquired feedback.

10. Send the survey out to participants.

Following these simple guidelines will contribute to the success of your online survey.

Contact Elite Research today to get reliable help with all of your statistical, research, and editorial needs! or (800) 806-5661.

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