Could an Editor Help You?

Tuesday July 17, 2012

Elite Research explains the benefits of hiring an editor. Elite Research is a global provider of research design, statistical consulting, and editorial services. They support academic, corporate, medical/health, and non-profit researchers in designing, collecting, analysing, and reporting efficient and accurate results.

As an author, it is difficult to emotionally detach yourself from your work. This attachment along with your familiarity of your work makes it very difficult to edit and review it accurately. It is difficult to present an unbiased opinion of something you are so invested in. An editor can provide you with a second, bias-free opinion.

A Senior Editor recently stated that “editors look for consistency that authors can’t always recognize.” While a thought might flow well in the authors head, an editor can give feedback on how it will sound to the reader. A good editor will provide the author with an understanding of the writing process and its conventions. Their objective opinion allows them to evaluate your writing and offer suggestions.

Editing can be important as writers develop their abilities. Feedback and a better understanding of the writing process will allow them to improve and re-evaluate their work. An editor should encourage the author to examine more possibilities and explore new options. An author should look for an editor that will explain their edits. It is important to understand why their writing is being changed and what they could do to improve.

A professional editor is not all about typos and grammar. The primary goal of a professional editor is to evaluate the clarity, organization, and consistency of a work. A valuable editor should not change the work but help the author polish what is already there.

Contact Elite Research today to get reliable help with all of your statistical or editorial needs! or (800) 806 – 5661.

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