Tips for Business Writers

Thursday July 12, 2012

Elite Research provides tips for business writers. Elite Research is a global provider of research design, editing, and statistical consulting. They support academic, corporate, medical/health, and non-profit researchers in designing, collecting, analysing, and reporting efficient and accurate results.

Business writing can be as simple as writing an effective email or as complex as writing a lengthy report. Regardless of the document, business writing should be clear, concise, and correct.

Business writing should be concise. This can be accomplished by emphasizing exactly what the reader needs to know. It is important to focus on the subject and get to the point. Make the subject clear by eliminating unnecessary words surrounding it. Write actively. Draw attention to the subject by placing it first and then giving it direction.

Clutter can be distracting. Avoid using filler words and unnecessary phrases. Keep the writing concise and use enough keywords to be clear. Know your audience. Don’t use outdated language and complicated terms. Write in plain English so that the reader can understand what you are trying to say. Avoid using to many modifiers as this can confuse the reader.

After carefully constructing your business document, it is time to proofread. This is a vital step to avoid any mistakes. For more information, read Elite Research’s Editing Your Own Work. Editing your work will prevent bad impressions on readers. Organizing the format will keep the reader interested and make it look more inviting. Well edited work can make a good impression and build a good reputation. Another option would be to hire a professional editor. This option provides a new perspective and a more experienced opinion.

Contact Elite Research today to get reliable help with all of your statistical, research, and editorial needs! or (800) 806 – 5661.

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