At the heart of your research is the data or information that you need to answer your research questions and achieve your research goals. You may require direct interaction with people, tangible experiences, or indirect information found in a museum. Each type of data collected has unique procedures in which we can provide expert advice.

Qualitative Surveys

What is it? In qualitative research, a survey is a set of open-ended questions used to explore diverse views primarily among a large number of people. Surveys are not synonymously used in qualitative projects because qualitative research typically seeks to explore and understand in-depth information from smaller groups of people, a culture, or a case. Qualitative surveys serve a different purpose from those in statistical analysis and research. Qualitative surveys are not used to generate any statistical analysis, such as averages and statistical significance. This is because questions are developed for free responses. Qualitative surveys are used to understand diverse ideas on a topic. As a result, a high volume of written responses can be gained.

There are many advantages to using qualitative surveys. You can get a variety of opinions on a specific topic that could lead to new insights. The information from qualitative surveys can be used in mixed methods, longitudinal, and larger projects. However, qualitative surveys require a combination of different recruitment techniques. Sampling may also be different from some of the popularly used qualitative research designs. Therefore, it is helpful to know how to develop a survey tailored to your project.

Qualitative surveys may have some disadvantages if you are trying to capture rich, in-depth information. You may be excluding certain groups or persons because participants may not have access to the internet if you are using an online survey format. Visual cues and development of rapport may be challenging to establish if qualitative surveys are the only type of data collected. It could also be time-consuming if you are gathering face-to-face qualitative surveys with each participant.

Our consultants can assist you with drafting clear and simple instructions to maximize survey responses, as well as sound open-ended questions to elicit more in-depth data. We can also offer feedback on the flow and overall content of your survey to ensure that your questions align properly to your research goals.

How can we help you?

  • Verify that your survey aligns with your research aims and qualitative research design
  • Provide feedback on the flow and structure of each qualitative survey question

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